Technology – Enhanced Learning |
-> With Technology –Enhanced learning, students are no longer limited to the textbooks that their syllabus provides.
In order to achieve this, faculty can use ICT enabled classes and smart class rooms for enhance the visualization of various concepts of theories and problems.
-> Faculty can use different materials for this learning includes – PPTs, PDF and Word Documents (Subject wise course materials prepared by each faculty), Video Lectures from NPTEL and other resources.
-> Students are encouraged to attend MOOC courses – NPTEL and STANFORD etc., |
Software Facilities |
-> icampuz is an advanced web based campus management system offeringattendance management system including daily massage system for parents about each students attendance, students and faculty information system, students academic details, course materials etc., Students can easy to access icampuz through their login. |
-> NGI Online Exam Portal is a web based online exam portal. The teachers can conduct and evaluate exams for subjects, laboratories, gate model exams etc., Students can easy access this exam portal through their login. |
Faculty Course Materials |
-> Course Materials are prepared by each faculty and share the materials among students via Google classroom, icampuz, and websites. Course Materials includes Lecture Notes, Previous Year Question Papers, Question Banks, PPT’s, Lecture Videos, Lab Manuals etc.,
Outcome Based Learning |
-> Teaching –learning process is a crucial part of outcome based education. It implements/employs as the set of activities engaging with student’s to enable them to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes.
-> Curriculum compliance is systematic analysis of curriculum, prescribed by University, to identify the degree of competency of syllabi and its contents for attaining the Program Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes. -> For each course, the knowledge level of course contents is identified using revised Bloom’s taxonomy and corresponding course outcomes are formulated. Curriculum compliance may be verified by organizing the information into a matrix (course-PO matrix) which maps each one to the other. -> Mapping not only provides the information of whether curriculum meets the academic and/or professional benchmark requirements (POs), but also manifests the way and possible level of attaining the POs by curriculum. |
Conceptual Implementation in Practice |
-> Students can implement mini/design and main projects during their last 2 years of study. The faculty can chose project groups based on their area of specialization, and then the faculty can help to students in better understanding of new technologies, modern tools and complexities of their project related topics. Also encouraged them to participate in various project exhibitions and hackathons.
Students from sixth semester have participated in Smart India Hackathon 2020 and they are shortlisted to final round -> Industrial Visits and training are organized for students to bridge the gap between theoretical and practical training in real- life environment. Students understand the industrial practices and organizational hierarchy during industrial visits. Industrial Visits provide opportunities for active/interactive learning experiences outside classroom environment in addition to usual classroom learning. -> Department of CSE is supporting students to increase levels of awareness and responsibility to achieve Environmental Sustainability. |
Technical Advancement |
-> Department of CSE is organizing workshops, seminars and Technical festivals for students to improve their knowledge about the new trends and innovations in the field of computer science.
Collaboration with Infosys – Campuz Connect / InfiTq |
-> Campus Connect / InfiTQ is a unique academia-industry initiative to align engineering student competencies with industry needs and thus increase the employability of the students. Teaching staff are trained by Infosys through Faculty Enablement Program. Students undergo Foundation Program (FP) training through these trained faculty members and is very useful for students to brush up their skills.
Mr. Arun K and Ms. Baby V, Asst. Professors attended FDP conducted by Infosys Campus Connect on InfyTQ based at Vidya College of Engineering Silver Partner Recognition by Infosys Campuz Connect. |
Value Added Courses | -> CSE Department is conducting Value Added Courses during each semester to improve students’ knowledge regarding new technologies and content beyond syllabus. For that a minimum of 30 hours classes are conducted and also certificate will be provided as per the performance in examination. |
Assignments/ Tutorials |
-> Assignments and Tutorials are provided by the Department as per Syllabus. The students are expected to gain knowledge on their own while preparing Assignment from various resources for a particular topic.
-> Tutorial classes are facilitated by a tutor and are run in smaller groups of max 30 students. Tutorials allow group discussion of lecture content and assessment, problem solving etc. |
Remedial Classes | -> Remedial teaching is identifying slow learners and providing them with the necessary help and guidance to help them overcome their problems, after identifying their areas of difficulty |